Ipsative Assesment

 In today's class we talked about ipsative assessment, we reflected a little on the importance of not evaluating all students equally, since not all are in the same family, technological and linguistic circumstances. 

For this we saw two quite interesting videos, where you can see how each person has gone through a different situation. 

In the first video, we can see a race where they make people who have had more facilities during their lives take two steps from the starting line, and not because of decisions they themselves have made but because of family decisions or external contexts, and the people who have had more difficulties throughout their lives stay at the main starting line and in the end we come to the conclusion that privileged people have an easier time achieving their goals. 


From this video I can reflect that in this way we are in different boxes and in the end we end up having things in common with others about situations from our past, and not only that but in the end we all end up being the same, people, people who have had different circumstances but in the end we are people and together we are more, and we cannot judge people by situations from their past. 

 As a conclusion, to say that as future teachers we must have all these kinds of things in mind when evaluating our students, since this kind of details are what will make us good teachers, we cannot evaluate in the same way a child who lives in a more difficult or more problematic context than one who is "privileged" so to speak, since they do not go through the same circumstances. So we must adapt both the assessment and the activities to the needs of each child, that is the key, to know how to adapt. 
